"Something is not right lately to most of our youth now" This was the main topic that we had been discussing with our friends during our Teh Tarik session at our favorite hang out last night. We had been discussing the topic base on our finding toward our youth generation now. Most of us have a growing sons and daughters, the most things that worry us are the influences of the environment surrounding us such as Drug, sex and abuse in term of freedom we have given to them. Can we blame the surrounding, government and freedom? or we should blame our self? Life has been changing dramatically when we compare 30 years ago. Where the family value is still exist. Our parents had spend more time with us and respect them as a house's leader. we followed what ever instruction given and never said "no". Always listen to their advice and made them as a role model for our future family life and followed the way they handled family matter but time has change, most of us are busy to chase our dream for better family and comfortable life but sometime we tend to forget that we are leaving them to their own world. Loneliness and to avoid the same mistake that we have done the key word is " Spend time as much as you can with your family and show them that we really caring and loving them".
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