Rasullullah Saw has said that Allah Ta'ala loves three persons and detest three. Those whom Allah loves whom are [1] a person who, when a begger came and begged from some people, none of them being related to him, and refused by them, got up quietly and gave him something secrectly so that onlt Allah Ta'ala and the begger knew of it: [2] a person who was one of a party that travelled all night till sleep [ for a short while]' he got up and enggaged in devotion, begging for Allah's favour with importunity and reciting from the holy Qur'an and [3] a person who was in a detechement that fought in jehaad and was defeated but he went straight a head till he was martyred or granted victory. The three whom Allah Ta'ala detest are old man who indulges in adultery, a begger who is proud and a rich man who is oppressive.
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