Sunday, June 19, 2011


20 years ago only rich and famous can afford to have a mobile phone. Those who carry the mobile phone is considered VIP and they are always on the move so that can be contacted by anytime and anywhere. When I was working with a Contractor company in Penang 20 years ago, the mobile phone is so bulky and expensive. I still can remember it cost RM10k to buy that particular phone and using ATUR system in other word” Automatic Telephone Using Radio”. The advantage of using that particular phone is can be contacted in anywhere even in the middle of the jungle and ocean.

Today, world has changed. The phone model and size also change. The mobile phone became lighter and smaller. The most important, everyone can afford to carry mobile phone and it’s considered as a necessity instead of luxury item. Changing a mobile phone model is became a trendy among the youngster and most of them are willing to spend so much money just to change the latest mobile phone with a latest garget that been offered by so many telephone operator company.

When the mobile phone was started to introduce to the market, it just can be used to call. Then they introduce   with Short Message, Voicemail and etc. Today, the mobile phone is just not to use as a phone call. It can be used as a camera with video shooting, to surf internet and also can be used as a teleconference due to 3G systems where you can see the person that you are talking with. Incredible and awesome, the things that we never thought 30 or 40 years ago accept in friction movies.

Today, since the mobile phone becomes more advances and the privacy of life is under danger where the conversation and movement can be tapped by a small mobile phone without a person notice and can be hide anywhere to capture the private life of human. Don’t you think that it violate a human right? This is what happens today and they use it to kill their opponent career for own personal agendas.

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