Sunday, April 24, 2011


I feel that something is not right lately specially in my country politic agendas. This is the main reason why I don't like to read or to watch local media because I really get fed up with the news and all dirty trick  to demoralise and to destroy other party politic career. Don't they have other means to kill their opponent politic career. Most people say that politic is dirty,is it the politic is dirty or the person who run the politic is dirty? Why I need a good politic? I need a good politician than really can protect my national interest and to protect my country dignity. A politician that really workhard to bring up this country and fight against the corruption that can destroy this country. Sex and human are two things that can't be separated because we really need it. The problem is, when politicians start to use it as a weapon to destroy their opponent. Yes in some places I do agree that sex is something personal but it must be legal means. Sex that out of wedlock must be illegal due to my culture and religion but not to use it as a weapon against the politic enemies among the politic parties. May be that is the easier way to kill other opponent politic career and not even  bother whether the allegation is true or not....................... .to politician it is a good news to bring down other politician politic career and to the media it is good sensation news to attract more readers.

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