New Sale Executive will be reporting to Mr. Yang Kok Ming Area sale Manager at the Area Sale Office[Aso] on this coming Monday. He is going to replace Mr. Ong, whose been transferred to Kota Kinabalu for his new assignment as a Field Sale Manager. For the past 18 month during his time at Aso, he had done a good job and managed to hit the target 15 out of 18. Farewell and welcome dinner for Mr. Ong and En. Bakri was held yesterday evening at Aso Chhk. On the closing speech Mr.Ong advised the team to maintain the momentum to hit the target every month during his term and the fighting spirit must be continued when this team is lead by En. Bakri. Keep up the team spirit " Win as a team and lose as a team " During the dinner I met En. Bakri and he requested me to proceed with my assignment and he need my help to show him around Aso area that will be under his responsibilities . He wanted me to focus more on the KMA and OBJ Project. Officially Mr. Ong will be passing the sale baton to Mr. Bakri on the 9th July. Welcome En. Bakri and welcome to the hottest seat of Northern Region.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
When I heard the news that the company is going to pay 15% increment for new collateral agreement, it hard for me to believe and accept the rumour because the company will never pay that much since I joined Nestle. Normally the company give 4 to 7% increment and totally base on the company financial ability. The negotiation was done in Kuala Lumpur between Union committee and Nestle. This time no Representatives from Penang committee was invited. All the negotiation done by Kuala Lumpur committee and the latest news that I received from one of the committee from Kota Bahru, the company just afford to pay 3.8% increment plus 1.8 month bonus. This will be the lowest increment since I joined Nestle. Even though pay up bonus is depended on the company financial ability but to me it is something unacceptable because I have been receiving 2 month bonus for the past so many years. The increment and bonus is shrinking but some of them said that it is better than nothing. Is it a part of Dolphin project? I am still not sure whether the company and the union already endorse the agreement or the negotiation table is still open for the union to fight for better pay out. Just wait and see until the company coming up with black and white letter.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Between rumours and reality, which one do you prefer to listen. Sometime rumours can be true and reality can be hurt. As a human we are surrounded with all kinds of rumours. Can we trust a rumours? As The Malay proverb say " Masa kan pokok bergoyang kalau tiada angin yang bertiup." Why do people like to listen to rumours even though some of them know that it just a news that cannot be trusted, it's just a word that spread from mouth to mouth but some people take it seriously without investigate whether it's true or not. Rumours can be any topic from love to politic.As long as the rumours is under control and it's not a threat to the security of world so let the people spread the rumours because we can't stop people from talking.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Suddenly everybody start to talk about Dolphin project. From Manager, Exec, Admin, Rep and FPO all of them are worried about their future in Nestle. Even though the managers had given a guarantee that everybody will have their job but they them self were not so confident what were it about? Nobody can give us a full detail what is the Dolphin Project about but I believe sooner or later it will come. They only can guarantee us that there will be a big changes in term of work and Nestle structure worldwide. When I did a market work with one of Fijian Visitor last two month, he mention about Dolphin Project and had been implemented in his country. Now he has to be one man show to take care of everything from Admin to Sale. It's more to efficiency and save cost of operating the business. Let we wait and see what are going to happen when the time come.......Be prepared to accept the changes.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
I received a phone call from one of my colleague from Alor Star, he told me about the company direction toward cutting cost in term of man power. It was not a good news but at least the thing that I had predicted is going to materialise. He told me that big changes are coming next year. The company is going to implement of VSS and they are in the progress of negotiation with the Trade Union. Even though the matter isn't confirm yet but the rumours is there. The committee of Trade Union are having a negotiation meeting with the company on the new collateral agreement in kuala Lumpur for a year of 2010 to 2012. He told me to be mentally prepared to accept the changes.......
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
At the back of my boss table, There is a piece of paper with a Chinese philosopher quote. He said that....
Talk but don't listen,
listen but don't understand,
Not understand but don't want to ask,
Ask but don't want to do it,
Do it but
Admit but don't change'
Changed but not satisfied,
Not satisfied but not willing to tell.
Talk but don't listen,
listen but don't understand,
Not understand but don't want to ask,
Ask but don't want to do it,
Do it but
Admit but don't change'
Changed but not satisfied,
Not satisfied but not willing to tell.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tidak mampu untuk makan-makan mewah di KFC mahupun Mc. donald kerana pada ketika itu tempat-tempat seumpama ini hanya lah untuk ahli keluarga sahaja apatah lagi restoran-restoran ini hanya ada dikawasan bandar-bandar besar sahaja.Makan diwarung juga dianggap mewah terutamanya dikawasan mamakteria yang terletak dilereng bukit menuju kejalan besar. Bagi mereka yang menikmati biasiswa mungkin tak terasa susahnya seperti aku yang belajar dengan ihsan ahli keluarga untuk belanja harian. Hujung bulan barulah boleh makan dimamakteria. kalau dah masuk tengah bulan makanan asramalah yang menjadi teman setia. kadang-kadang nak giveup sahaja dengan study apatah lagi dalam keadaan masaalah kewangan. Aku hanya meminta dari bapa ku untuk pembayaran yuran semester sahaja.
Amalan biasalah berkongsi makanan terutama dengan member baik aku si Badrul. Beli satu pinggan mee goreng makan dua orang. Bila tiba hujung bulan duit poket betul-betul cukup untuk tambang balik pergi rumah abang kat KL, sekiranya dibuatnya diorang tak ada rumah menanggis tak berlagulah aku, kat mana aku nak mengadu nasib. Walau bagaimana pun aku agak bernasib baik kerana abang-abang, kakak-kakak dan adik aku faham keadaan aku. Merekalah yang menanggung segala pembelanjaan aku semasa aku student dahulu. Itulah sebabnya aku sentiasa kenangkan jasa mereka terhadap ku. Apa yang ada pada ku hanya teman-teman yang agak rapat sehingga ke hari ini. Duit poket tambahan ku datangnya dari hasil part time job di hotel dan catering mak zul. Ketika itu baharulah boleh belanja makwe aku kat bandar kelang. Itu pun dah dikirakan mewah. kalau aku kenangkan zaman student ku pasti aku tergelak sendirian...........
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sebaik sahaja selesai sembahyang subuh terus ku kejutkan anak kecil ku untuk ikut serta menghantar anak lelaki ku kesekolah dan kemudian pergi kehospital untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan susulan bagi anak perempuan ku. Setelah semuanya selasai bergegas kerumah mak mertuaku untuk menjemput mertua ku ke rumah makcik isteri ku. Walau bagaimana pun mak mertua ku telah pun bersiap untuk berangkat dengan jirannya. Lantas isteri ku menyediakan sarapan untuk bapa mertuaku dan kemudian berangkat kerumah mak cik isteri ku. Sebaik sahaja sampai disana aku melihat makcik isteriku telah pun sedar dan kesihatannya nampaknya bertambah baik. Bagi ku begitulah keadaannya kalau belum tiba ajal lagi walaupun dalam keadaan agak kritikal pada mulanya.
Setelah selesai menjenguknya sekejap, terus aku bawa anak perempuan kecil ku ke Mc. Donald untuk bersarapan tambahan sambil melayari internet dengan Lappy ku. Dah hampir tiga hari berturut-turut aku di Mc. Donald menghabiskan masa cuti ku. Coretan ini juga aku taipkan di Mc. Donald Bandar Perda sementara untuk menjemput Ibu mertuaku yang masih berada di rumah makcik ku di Bagan Jermal. Lima hari berlalu tanpa merasakan apa-apa dan esok aku akan kembali bertugas seperti biasa............
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
I had good news, bad news and 50/50 news. This morning I was in Penang Island to settle few things urgently. Good news is I received my house grant title from my lawyer after paying all the lawyer fees. So no more dealing with a lawyer. Now it is between me and CIMB Bank. Even though I can settle my housing loan by using my second account in EFP but my sister advised me not to use it as long as I can afford to service my housing loan. Since my housing loan is covered by insurance so nothing much to worry about it because if anything happen to me or I loss my job due to permanent injury the loan will be settled by the insurer. It is better for me to invest the money and let it grow for my retirement plan.
Bad news is I haven't receive any news regarding my group insurance scheme even though I keep on paying for the past 10 years. I haven't receive any payment statement or no news at all in my insurance investment. I went to Great Eastern Insurance company in Penang this morning but the officer in charge told my that she couldn't access to the group insurance. All group insurance handle by Head Office in Kuala Lumpur. She would tried her best to email to Kuala lumpur office to check my status and would informed me once she received the reply from her head office. So, I still have to wait. My question was to her how long should I wait? She couldn't answer it.
50/50 news, I had excess money in my income tax account but I couldn't withdraw the money. What I have to do is to transfer my income tax file from Ipoh to Bukit Mertajam. Once the file transfer is completed then the officer can proceed to process my excess money withdrawal. The money is belong to me and the government should return the excess money to me. It is my right to get the money back.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
In those days when I was a student, mom and dad would sit beside me to assist my studies. I would sit together with all my brothers and sisters to complete our school homework. My father always reminded me to study hard so that I could build up my own good future. He told me " This is a rat race world, so you must always a head from the other if you want to win in this world but remember to win the race you shouldn't look down on other people, let challenge in a fair manner." My mom would prepared a Hot Milo so that I would kept awake to study and completed my assignment that given by my teacher. Even though my mom had pass away 18 years ago but she always in my heart forever. To my father thank you for the encouragement and support. I love both of you.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Kehidupan orang melayu kebanyaknya dikelilingi dengan pantang larang. Pantang larang yang diamalkan sejak turun kemurun lagi. Bahkan ianya menjadi sebahagian dari kehidupan. Dari lahir sehinggalah kepada alam perkhawinan. Ada ketikanya pantang larang itu tidak masuk akal tetapi masih diamalkan dengan alasan ianya sebahagian dari adat kehidupan. Kenapa orang tua-tua kita dahulu begitu berpegang teguh kepada pantang larang, adakah ianya sesuatu yang boleh mempengaruhi kehidupan atau pun ada sesuatu hikmah yang tersembunyi? Agak susah juga untuk kita fahami apatah lagi dalam dunia yang serba canggih dan moden. Berkemungkinan ianya adalah satu cara untuk membuatkan manusia patuh dan takut akan berlakunya sesuatu sekiranya pantang larang tersebut dilanggar, mungkin juga ianya berlaku secara kebetulan maka dijadikan pekara tersebut sebagai alasan kerana melanggar pantang larang.
Contoh pantang larang orang tua-tua dahulu. Jangan buka payung dalam rumah ditakuti ular akan masuk kerumah, Jangan ketip kuku malam-malam,Jangan bersiul, Jangan tunjuk pelanggi dengan jari takut tangan kudung dan lain-lain lagi. Itu adalah sebahagian sahaja, ada banyak lagi pantang larang orang tua-tua. Kita mungkin tidak faham apakah rahsia disebalik pantang larang tersebut, berkemungkinan ianya untuk menakut-nakutkan terutamanya kanak-kanak. Apa yang pentingnya pantang larang tersebut tidak bertentangan dengan akidah.
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