One of my key task as a Brand Development Sale Rep. to develop a brand by promoting a product direct to consumer. Factories need to be explored due to highly potential outlet to be developed. Mostly each time we are promoting our products, we will get a good responds and it is very encouraging. Since most of the factories workers are women, they are most targeted due to high purchasing power if compare to their male counterparts. I do my own survey and find that any factories with many female staffs the sale must be very good and they also pursuade their colleague to buy the product. To attract them every purchase of goods must be given a premium to make them happy and automatically they will advertise the goods that they had bought through mouth to mouth advertisement.
Base on my sale experiences in doing a direct selling at any factories outlets, the male staff normally will browse at the products, hold it and start asking for more information before buying the goods. whereas most ladies once they like it ,they will buy it and the price is secondary. When we do a direct selling at the factories the sale timing must be right speacially on the pay days. The male counterpart will only buy the product if they feel that the price is right.
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