Shopping under one roof is so convenient specially at the Hypermarket. They are grew like a mushroom even at the small town like kulim. We can shop at any time and some of them a open till 1 am in the morning. If we total up all the population of Sungai Petani, kulim, Seberang Prai and Penang Island it's estimated around 1.5 million. Do we need so many Hypermarkets in our area. Some of the Traditional retailers started to complain because their business had been badly affected because of the hypermarket. They have to compete with the hypermarket in term of price. Hypermarket manage to lower their price because of in bulk purchase. In some cases they are controls and decided the price in the market. Consumers become wisely smarter and they are comparing the price. They want a best value that they can buy.In one side it true that consumers are gaining a good price and the retailers don't have any choice either follow or close their business because can't compete with the hypermarket.
Do you really think that hypermarkets are selling cheap? You have to think wisely because they only selling cheap on certain hot items goods. The goods that have a lots of demand. Some of the goods price are higher than the Traditional Retailer outlets. In some occasion without our notice the price that printed on the shelf are different from the goods that you pay at the cashier counter. It happen to me last week when I bought 2 in 1 coffee. It just one item, how about if you buy lot of items? Of cause you will never check it one by one. So next time when you do your shopping at the Hypermarket make sure that you check your bill list to make sure that you pay for the right price with a right goods.
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