Rasulullah Saw said, " If I possessed gold to the extent of mount Uhud, I would not like to keep any of it with me for more than three days, except what I put aside for paying a debt".
Abu zarr Ghifari Radhiallaho Anho, a famous and extremely pious sahabi, had particilar aversion to wealth, about which several incident have been reported. He says, " I was once accompanying Rasullullah Saw, when he lookeds at the mount Uhud and said, " If this mountain were turn into gold and be given to me, I would not like to keep a single Dinaar of it with me for more than three days except that which I put aside to pay a debt". He added, " many of those who have much property shall gain scanty reward, except for those who say, " take this and this, before them, behind them, on the right and on the left".
The narator made a gesture indicating that they spend profusely with both their hands, distributing money to people around them [BUKHARI]
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