Uqbah Ra has narrated that he offered his asar salaat with Rasullullah Saw. At the end of salaat Rasullullah Saw hastily got up and, stepping over the shoulders of people, went to the houses of one of his wives. People, not knowing what the necessity was, were perplexed over his haste. On his return he preceived the people's anxiety and explained that he had suddenly remembered behind a piece of gold in the house and he was afraid [ lest his death should take place while he owned a piece of gold; which would become objectionable for him on the Day of Reckoning], so, he had hurried home to tell them to distribute it immediately.
Umme Salmah Rha has also narrated a similar incident, She says that once Rasullullah Saw came home looking upset; she thought he was not well and enquired as to what had happened. The reply was the seven Dinaars had been received the previous night and that they were still lying unspent in the conner of his bed.[ Lhya] Rasullullah Saw used to receive present continuously but he spent immediately, whether it was day opr night and whether he was well or unwell. He did not rest content till everything had been spent. So much so that, in the state of serious illness when there was no oil in the lamp and seven gold coins were lying in the house. neither Rasullullah Saw nor Aisha Rha thought of buying some oil with the money!
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