Today, another brand new day and yesterday is already a history. Either we like it or not, for sure the cycle of life goes on. We always say that "never mind we still have ample time" but sometime we never realize that time will never wait for us. Every hour, minute and second the clock is ticking. What ever we did yesterday easily forgotten and in the modern world people are looking forward. They aren't bother to know the history but they forget that history is always repeated again and again. Only to whom always thinks and analyzes, what we do today will effect our future generation. Today, can we trust anyone? Even worse when you hear some of them are saying don't trust anyone even your own family and friend. Why this thing happen in our life?
We talk about trust and respect, do we applied this in our daily life? Let we look into some of the incident that you may come across and answer it honestly.
1. will you stop when you see someone pushing his or her motorbike in the highway and they raise their hand for help?
2. Someone is asking for donation or direction while you walk alone in a quiet back lane, will you help?
3. While driving on the Penang's brige you see someone is raised his or her hand the sign of help, do we think twice to stop or just say " I not dare to stop because I heard a lots of stories people being coned ".
Why is all these happening in our life? Till we can't even differentiate between good and bad person. To me it all happens because some people like to take advantage of other kindness and make us lose trust to anybody. May be I am wrong? There is no right or wrong in the answer. I just don't know why this thing appeared from my mind this morning.