Just came back from Bp go-kart event at Juru Auto city. The sale wasn't so good even though the crowd were there. Anyway I had to do it because the event was planned by HOU and Nestle was co- sponsor for the event. OAJ was there to assist but he asked us to move to other location tomorrow after had a discussion with the event organiser. Hopefully tomorrow Sunday will be a good sale for us. Actually I want to write something special about Juru and his surrounding area.
Auto city is a well known place with imported cars. Most of the high class car dealers are located there such as Porche, Merc, Volvo and Naza Auto world. It is also a happening place with Pubs and high class restaurants but the most interesting place is just adjacent to the Auto City where there is a housing area name Taman Pelangi in English pelangi mean Rainbow. The housing area consist of Low cost flats and almost 90% of the dweller are foreigners working at Prai Industrial area. They are blue collar workers. Some of these flats are converted into the hostel for them to stay.
It was almost Maghrib and I told yusri to perform our Maghrib Solat at the near by surau of Taman Pelanggi. On my way there I told yusri that" we are in the foreign country because most of the dweller are coming from Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Nepal. They are dominated the area and most of the business either grocery, hand phone shops and eating stalls are running by them. The businesses are totally to cater their needs." It's also known as a little Hadyai by the local.
When we were performed our sholat Maghrib at the Taman Pelangi's surau and it was almost full of jemaah like the Sholat Jumaat. Most of the jemaah were Bangladeshis. They are obedient men toward Islam. That is a good things about Bangladeshis. 99% of Bangladeshis whose works here are Muslim. Then I told Yusri that " We are stepping on Malaysia's land but living in the foreign's country. Yusri just smile............
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