Reached Bandar Putra Bertam Kepala batas around 2 am yesterday from Melaka. The traffic flow on the highway was smooth even though it was a school Holiday. As usual I stopped at Petronas Damansara to refill my petrol and Pertronas Simpang Pulai for rest and refresh my self a while before proceed my journey to Penang. I drove below the highway speed limit so that I could reached Ipoh North toll at 12 midnight. When I reached at the toll area, I still had 10 minute before 12 midnight so I parked my car at the highway roadside and watching my car's clock. Then I noticed one by one cars were stopping at the highway toll roadside like I did. Everybody was waiting 12 midnight for 10% discount on toll charge. When my car's clock shown 12 midnight slowly I drove my car to the toll gate and paid my toll. I save 10% toll charge from Air Kroh Melaka toll to Ipoh North toll. The whole journey I could save Rm 8.oo. Even though it wasn't much but everything must be counted now a days.
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