Saturday, December 6, 2008


From left Loy Ming Kee untrace, Abd. Razak Senior Mas Steward[Malaysia Airline System], Me Nestle Malaysia, Jerry Tesco Hypermarket customer service manager at Alor Star, Kedah, Nash Freelance Tourist Guide. Photo taken in between 83-86 at Templer Park, Rawang Selangor,Malaysia.

From left Front row Jep Teacher, Hamid Joe Businessman, Hafiz Tamaji unknown, Me Nestle. Back row Ijad unknown, Mai Housewife married to a businessman, Fizi Housewife married to a Magistrate . Last row Dahari working with an establish private Hospital and Madia Manageress at Kuala Lumpur Lakeclub.

Johnson Badillah, Fizi, Normala, Tajjuddin, Sujairi, Siti Mariam
Abu, Abd. Razak,Ros,Badrul, Salwana
Loy Ming Kee, Salwana, Shukor, Jep, Azmi, Farid, Shahul Hamid
me, Dahari, Hafiz Tamaji, Lina J, Nash. To me the most happiest life is a Student life, where you were surrounded by many friends. A lots of sweet and bitter memories. That was a place where we were learned about life and friendship.


Anonymous said...

masa ni kita part berapa ye

Anonymous said...

i can see the enjoyment in your photos,can u tell me the year when it was taken?

Anonymous said...

Thank Anand, it could be in 1984 if i not mistake.

Anonymous said...

oh before my birth...Awesome