Friday, August 16, 2013


I read a blog from an atheist who don't believe in God in Jakarta Globe. I gave him a simple comment with a stupid answer. I wrote " If you walk alone in a jungle then you see a small old hut, do you believe someone have built and stay here? " He reply yes then you walk alone again in the desert and you see a cow dung, do you believe cow was here even though you don't see any cow on the desert. He reply common sense and logic. Then I reply back if you can believe a cow dung story why can't you believe that the existence of God by looking at the universe. There must be a very big power who create the universe. Can it be created by itself.....He reply back by using English word that I almost forget but in translation" Penafian Dalam Kejahilan." I reply Ok, let we look on the science view the theory of the Big Bang. Every creation started with a small dot, what we call it an Atom. Can an Atom create by it self? You answer for me............No reply from him till today.

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