Friday 25 January 2013. Day 3 in Jakarta after took my breakfast at the hotel cafe I went back to my room. In Indonesia ,if Thursday is a public holiday for some offices will be closed on Friday. They call it Cuti bersama. Even though it is not an official holiday but mostly government offices will be closed on that particular day. This practise is not observe by the private sector. It's only happen during SBY tenant as a President of Indonesia according to Pak Rashid. I look out from my room window, I saw a man selling all kinds of goods to cars owner at the junction while waiting for the traffic light to turn green. How tough life in Jakarta. I believe all of them have their own territory to sell so that they will not clash with the other group who run a same business, I guess. Pak Rashid sent me short message to inform me, on the way to fetch me and be ready at 11am at the hotel lobby. I packed all my things and ready to check out. At 11am I still waiting at the hotel lobby and then another short message came in to inform me, Sorry I'm late due to the traffic jammed. I just replied OK and take your time. After a few minute later, Pak Rashid arrived with his six years old son Asraf.

Immediately he told me to be ready for Friday Prayer. He asked for direction from the receptionist. In Indonesia 90% of the population is Muslim so it easy to find a place for Friday prayer. I was been told by the receptionist the Friday prayer located at The Blok M Plaza just a cross the junction. Every Friday part of the parking lots inside the building will be reserved and convected into public Friday Prayer by the building management. That's a good things about Indonesia. After the Friday prayer me and Pak Rashid went to Nasi Padang Restaurant inside the Blok M Plaza for lunch that suit to my taste. When you eat at the Nasi Padang Restaurant, you don't have to pick and choose. They will automatically serve you all the dishes. Once you touch it considered sold. So, be careful. Just take a dish you prefer. Nasi Padang dishes is similar to Minangkabau the way they cook and serve. After took our lunch we back again to the hotel and Pak Rashid asked me stay another one night here before I move to Bogor tomorrow.

My exploration in Jakarta began. we took a bajaj from Jalan Panglima Polim junction. A bargain for the fare was done by Pak Rashid. Pak Rashid demand for 5000Rp but rejected by the bajaj driver. He requested 10,000Rp from this junction to TranJakarta pool at the Blok M Square Plaza about 3 kilometer. I thinks that a fair enough 10,000Rp for three persons in one bajaj but to Pak Rashid it was considered expensive with a short ride.Pak Rashid not happy with the fare and walk out. After walked a few steps we realised that it not worth to walk so at the end Pak Rashid agreed with 10,000Rp. In my heart, I talked to myself it's not a big deal of paying 10,000Rp, I consider it's very cheap if convect it into Malaysian Ringgit. This is Indonesian way of bargain, they know the best what are they doing. At least we must try to get a cheaper fare.

Bajaj, is one of transportation mode in Jakarta. Three tyres motor trisaw. A cheaper way to move around in Jakarta. Another mode of transportation in Jakarta is Objek. A motorcycle taxi for those who are in hurry to avoid the terrible traffic jammed in Jakarta. It can be found at any junction in Jakarta. They have their own place to pick up the customer to avoid a clash with the bajaj owner. The fare is depending on the distant. Some of them are very professional and well organised. Can be contacted by mobile phone and ready to bring you to any places you want to go. Jakarta oh Jakarta.............
Once reached Block M Square Plaza, we went to Tranjakarta halte to proceed our journey to Masjid Agung Ittiqal. Tranjakarta is another City mode of transportation in Jakarta. The bus have it own road they call it Busway. The busway is only mean for the Tranjakarta bus. The best way to avoid traffic jammed. Unfortunately the busway been abused by the private car during peak hour. It suppose to have a smooth ride to the destination but been blocked by other road users. Again it about discipline and law implementation. Lots of complaints from the bus user due to the bus and the halte condition. The maintenance of the tranjakarta buses and the halte. This is the only metropolitan in the world without Metro system or Mass Rapid Transit. A city with 10 million population. They tried to build the Monorel system, unfortunately half way and abandon the project. The unfinished pillar of the track can be seen in the middle of the city.

After visited the Masjid Agung and did our Shalat Asar at the mosque we proceed to the nearest railway station just opposite the Masjid Agung. They call it KRL [ Kereta rel listrik ]. Two types of service economy and Air Condition Coach. The fastest way to move around in Jakarta. I took a ride to Cawang station and Pak Rashid proceed his journey home to Bogor . From Cawang Station I took a Blue Bird Taxi back to my hotel in Jalan Panglima Polim. Total spent to experience the mode of transportation in Jakarta. Bajaj 10,000Rp, Tranjakarta 2000Rp, KRL 9000Rp for AC Coach and 48,000Rp for Blue Bird Taxi from Cawang station to Amaris Hotel, Jalan Panglima Polim.
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