Rasullullah Saw has said that once a person in a jungle heard voice from A cloud above , saying, " Go and supply water to such and such person's garden". Thereupon the cloud moved in one direction and rained on a piece of stony land. A channel collected the whole of that water which began to flow in a particular direction. He followed it and came to a place where a man stood with a shovel in hand, diverting the water into his garden. The person asked the man his name, and when he told him, it was the very name he had heard from the cloud. The person then asked him why he had asked his name? The person replied that he had heard a voice coming from the cloud saying, " Go and supply water to such and such person's garden* and it was the same name which he had told him. The person then asked the man, " What he did for the cloud to supply water to his garden." The owner replied that now he has to tell him the truth facts. Whatever produce he got from the garden, he divided it into three equel parts; one part i.e one third of the produce, he gave away promptly as sadaqah, the second part he kept for himself and the family; the remaining one third he spent on the garden itself.
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