Just came back from Nilai attended Malaysia World Istimak held at Nilai KLIA's Quarter. The Istimak- non political congregation the movement of Dakwah and about 200,000 people from all over Malaysia , South East of Asia and part of the world had gathered there to attend 4 days Istimak. The Istimak was began from 9th to 12nd of July. The last Istimak was held 23 years ago at Terengganu. The purpose of the Istimak was to gather all Muslim's Brother of Tabligh Jammat to hear some advise from our Elders, Maulana and Ulama about the teaching of Islam. The opposition and government leaders had attended the Istimak and they had to put aside their differences in the name of Allah SWT. The Mufti of Negeri Sembilan had been invited to give a sermon for the Friday Prayer at the Mosque in Istimak place. First day of the Istimak Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and Tan Sri Khalid Menteri Besar of Selangor had attended to visit and hear Bayan from our elders from Radwin Pakistan and Nizammudin India. Dato seri Najid and Tan Sri Mahyuddin Yassin had welcome all delegates from America, Arab, Africa continent and Europe and then they join in for Zohor and Asar prayer with the Jemaah on the 2nd days. Yang Dipertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan Tengku Mukhriz had attended for the closing doa on the 3rd days. Let we together pray to Allah SWT Almighty God so that with His Mercy and Blessing our beloved land's of Malaysia will be showered with barakah. Amin. The closing Doa was done by our Syura Maulana Zubir from Nizammudin and 150 of Jemaahs had been formed consist of 8 to 10 men per group . They are going to the path of Allah SWT to visit the Muslim's brother in all over the world to send the clear message of Islam. Hidayat ya Allah, Hidayat ya Allah. La illa ha illalah, Muhammad dur Rasullullah.
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