I had been monitoring my OAS project since last two week and today we managed to complete it within the time frame given before 30 July 2009. There were 215 set had been put up into the outlets and tomorrow I just need to rearrange all the photo into power point. Thanks to all merchandisers for their hard work and their afford will be rewarded by OAJ. We had a discussion in the office, how were we going to reward them. In cash, in kind or retreat them for a seafood dinner. We also asked their opinion, so we came up with the solution that we were going to pay them by cash after calculating the budget given. All the merchandisers had shown their highly spirit of commitment to complete the project. Last Tuesday we did a market work with Lim Kim San the custodian for OAS project from HOU, He really impressed the way we did our project and managed to penetrate to all categories of outlets. Selling a right product into a right channel. He asked us to keep up the good job. Our main priorities and concern now to maintain the OAS at the outlets. Bravo and thanks again to Merchandisers and two BDSR team. Nothing impossible if we have a positive thinking...............