Sale are slow, Sale are not coming in, No orders from the retailers, complaint about trowing price from hypermarket and bla,bla,bla,..........etc. These are the phrases that I listen every morning in the office. Only two days to go to close the sale. Supermarket's Rep almost give up and TT's Reps are struggling to meet the numbers. This morning during my field work, one of my customer was complaining about no sign of economy to be improved. His sale had dropped almost 20 to 30% and didn't willing to order or to keep stock due to cash flow. He only ordered just enough to fill up his home shelf. He had to create something that could generate his sales. Slashing the price but still couldn't match with the Hypermarket price. Are we so desperate to get sale? Since hypermarkets have grown like a mushroom in Malaysia, we are fighting among our own brands in the market. Never ask about, Milo 2kg, M2mn, Nescafe and Milo 3 in 1 because you are asking for trouble. We had complaint to our management but do you know what are they saying?
"Do you distribute our product accordingly base on channel and do you really follow the company instruction? They always a gap in the distribution and OOS. We are paid to do the job so don't ask. Your key task to sell, if no off take it's not your problem. It's marketing problem but when market returns are alarming that is your problem. Don't talk about IKAs, they will be there forever and sell something that IKAs are not offer. We have more than 200 products and SKUs. Don't tell me that you can't sell one product out of 200 products! " Back to square again. Are we living in the world's of song Katak oh katak................
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