I hit my target this month. Unofficially I hit 101% when I checked with Azizah at the office around 4.30 pm. Actual percentage will be out and sale will be closed at 4.30 pm tomorrow. OAJ told us to hit our own target first to get this month incentive but the incentive will be less because ASO is not going to hit this month. As I told earlier RHTO sale wasn't coming in due to slow and lower sale in Supermarket included IKA's. Consumers aren't really spending their money like those days. They are spending their money wisely and just buying according to their needs. Nestle's company is working toward off take organisation, from input to truput.
Some of the reps were saying market was full but OAJ threw a challenge to anyone who dare to take him for market work. He told us it's better he works with us rather than BM because he also not dare to challenge BM to walk the market with him. He knew that there always a gap in term of distribution. Don't let us end up in the hot soup or let people to sotong you. Just do the right thing. Distribution, distribution distribution............
I am taking three days leave and going back to Tampin tomorrow to visit my elder sister at Kuala Pilah Hospital. She met an accident and was admitted this morning. My niece called me and told that her mom had lost her two toes. Just hope nothing serious and pray to the Mighty God so that she will recover soon.