Do I need a laptop? Laptops are a great option for people who need to compute on the move. In the past, laptops were bulky, heavy and slow. But today, laptop technology has advanced and today's models are fast, light and offer nearly the same performance as desktop counterparts. If I am in the market for a laptop computer, then it makes good sense to learn a few basic facts about important laptop features, as well whether brand makes a difference in the performance and quality of the laptop or not, before I spend any time or money shopping for one.
This question has been in my mind almost everyday and I still can't decide whether to buy it or not. Last week I went to PC Deport, a shop that specialised in computer. There were lot of laptops with well know brands such as Dell, Acer, Toshiba, Hp etc. etc.
The salesman had introduced me a latest model of laptop with Core duo processor from Intel. Even though I was not expert in the computer but what ever I wanted to know about the latest processor chip from Intel I would refer it to one of my surau jemaah because he worked in Intel. So he would explained to me the latest technology of the chip. He also advised me to be patient because Intel was developing a latest low power chip and it's mean that the computer price would be more cheaper and affordable.
I already have a desktop computer at home but I have to share it with my kids. So I can only do my work or to update my blog at night after they have gone to sleep. Which model I should buy and what types of Window that I should fix it inside my laptop? I am looking for something that can make my work easier and can be carried anywhere to surf Internet plus within my budget.
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