Unable to update my blog lately due to heavy work load specially end month to meet target. In the same time headache with my second wife . She is too demanding lately and almost every month I need to spend some money on her. This is not include the monthly allowance that I give her. Even though I can claim back the money from the company but the amount that I receive from the claims are not enough to cover my expenses. Last month I paid Rm 300.00 for her maintenance and this month again another Rm 200. I have been with her almost three years and I have another three years balance to end my contract with her. Without her I can't move any where and she is my tool of trade. She is my source of income. Even though she has been 20 years on the road since her birth but I need a new wife that more powerful in term of her body and look. Anyway I have to wait another three years before I can marry to another girl. She is my Proton Wira PGN 3236. Thank you darling for your service. My dream to marry Exora. Hopefully my dream will come true even if I have to pay more money to get her.My company loan me RM 45,000 for marry another woman as a dowry in every six years.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just came back from surau, as usual check my email and read a news from electronic media and blogs. Today Saturday and I have lot work to do specially my office work. I am planing to complete my work at the office so that I can submit it to my clerk on Monday regarding my Journey plan for May. I have to rearrange my journey plan after almost one year not involve in any sale activity except direct selling. Now I have to focus on my sale back and I have another one week to close my sale even though I am on the track. I just need another 25% to close 100%. It sound easy but so near yet so far I will do my best to achieve the numbers. I want to make sure that I hit my target this month since this is my first sale target after one year in the special Task Force activity. Before this my incentive base on total target of my Aso area plus my special activities but now I have my own sale target plus my Task Force activities.
When I do my sales, I always make sure that the first and the last outlet that I visit will give me some sale because the first outlet to boost my mood for the next step and the last outlet to close my sale. It mean that Your first steps is very important to determine your next future steps. Open with happy mood and close with happy ending. Something that happen in the middles is beyond our control. Do what can we do or control something that you can control the rest just leave to Almighty god to decide for you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When I started to create my blog, I named it with a title of " KEHIDUPAN" and then I Changed it to " CORETAN SEBUAH KEHIDUPAN " but from today onward I decide to rename it to "COLOUR OF LIFE " in line with my colourful layout in my blog and our life have full of colour. Lately most of my blog posting in English so that I can improve my English writing skill. As a learner, I do make a mistake specially my vocabulary and grammar. I try my best to improve it parallel with my blog title description " Just write whatever you want to write" as long as the message that you want to tell the world can be understood by any people walk of life. Who you are, where you are and what you are to me all of us a came from Adam and Eve that sent by Almigthy God to this world. To me border is something that create by human but in the eye of Almigthy God this world is border less. Any comment to build up my writing skill specially in English are most welcome. Thank you to all my readers.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sometime, I feel blur and just don't know what to write in my blog. Even though I have a lot thing to write but I just don't know where to start. May be too tired and exhausted with my daily work. Work as a Sale person really need to be very active. I have to take care with my numbers that need to be achieved. By hook or by crook you have to deliver the number that you have committed earlier. To achieve the number is one thing but the most challenging is to face with our customer. I have been working with Nestle almost 12 years and lots of sweet and bitter memories that I have to face in my daily work.
We have to treat our customer professionally and most of them try to squeeze you to get a better deal. The worth thing when the customer start using harsh word against you when they are not in the good mood. So to learn about face gesture is very important. To make your life easier never against your customer and always treat them with respect. Once you can tackle their hearts, the whole stores are belong to you. Do whatever you want to do and write orders whatever you want to order but please bare in mind that there are also a limitation. Don,t over use.
We did complained to our bosses that we had been scolded by our customer with harsh word and did you wanted to know what were they said " Don,t worry everything have been counted and included in your salaries" so, been screwed and scolded are part of our job.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Low Cholesterol Diet
By Peter Emerson
Nowadays, cholesterol is becoming a real threat to many people. The main reason behind this is that people tend to consume more products that are rich in saturated fats, such as whole milk dairy products, poultry, and egg yolks.
Additionally, most people also rely on food chains for their daily diet or perhaps on processed foods, especially if their schedule is too hectic to accommodate home cooking. So if you are one of these people who love to eat these kinds of foods, it’s time to reassess your diet and start eating a low-cholesterol diet.
The low-cholesterol diet is a diet low in saturated fat, which helps lower your cholesterol level and protect you from various heart diseases. The foods that should be included in this diet are fat-free dairy products, lean meats, fish and shellfish, skinless poultry, and whole-grain foods. Fresh fruits and green vegetables, especially when combined with large quantities of olive oil and monostaturates, should also be included because these are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for your body and reduce your risk for high cholesterol. In addition to these, certain foods that contain plant stanols or plant sterols such as cholesterol-lowering margarines and salad dressings can also be added to your diet to boost your body’s LDL-lowering power.
Meanwhile, foods that are high in cholesterol and saturated fats should only be eaten in moderation. If possible, these should not be included in your diet. Avoid liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, full-fat dairy products, high-fat processed meats, and fried foods. Limiting the intake of these foods can greatly reduce your cholesterol levels and decrease your chances of developing heart disease, as well as protect you from future heart attacks.
A simple low-cholesterol diet is a big help to you, but only if you observe and follow these guidelines regularly. Remember that your health is in your hands.
By Peter Emerson
Nowadays, cholesterol is becoming a real threat to many people. The main reason behind this is that people tend to consume more products that are rich in saturated fats, such as whole milk dairy products, poultry, and egg yolks.
Additionally, most people also rely on food chains for their daily diet or perhaps on processed foods, especially if their schedule is too hectic to accommodate home cooking. So if you are one of these people who love to eat these kinds of foods, it’s time to reassess your diet and start eating a low-cholesterol diet.
The low-cholesterol diet is a diet low in saturated fat, which helps lower your cholesterol level and protect you from various heart diseases. The foods that should be included in this diet are fat-free dairy products, lean meats, fish and shellfish, skinless poultry, and whole-grain foods. Fresh fruits and green vegetables, especially when combined with large quantities of olive oil and monostaturates, should also be included because these are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for your body and reduce your risk for high cholesterol. In addition to these, certain foods that contain plant stanols or plant sterols such as cholesterol-lowering margarines and salad dressings can also be added to your diet to boost your body’s LDL-lowering power.
Meanwhile, foods that are high in cholesterol and saturated fats should only be eaten in moderation. If possible, these should not be included in your diet. Avoid liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, full-fat dairy products, high-fat processed meats, and fried foods. Limiting the intake of these foods can greatly reduce your cholesterol levels and decrease your chances of developing heart disease, as well as protect you from future heart attacks.
A simple low-cholesterol diet is a big help to you, but only if you observe and follow these guidelines regularly. Remember that your health is in your hands.
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Last Friday, I met a doctor again to review my blood test. So far so good no sign any serious illness found in the result except High Cholesterol that can be control by medicine. So the Doctor did a comparison between last two year result with the latest one and found some improvement in cholesterol level drop by one point, same goes to my good cholesterol level. Even though still in high level but can be control by more exercise and proper diet. Two more pills added to my medicine list that must be taken daily, Atorvastatin for cholesterol and Essentiale forte for my liver.
Yesterday I had to attend another ad hoc activity at SJK Bertam Indah. Aik Jin called me on Friday to prepare direct selling for the Smart Kid with NST that sponsored by Nestle Kokokrunch. So I had to organise some selling activity with Yus and Sani. The sale were good and we managed to sell 6 ctns of mixed SKU of NBC. Jerry oii was there to monitor overall activity because the activity was under his department. I had to set up the sale activity at 7.30 Am and end up at 12.00 Pm. After the sale activity we had a good lunch with the organiser at the school canteen.
Proton had launch their latest model of MPV, so I took this opportunity to visit one of the Proton dealer at Bertam Indah after the sale activity. Sani and Yus were interested to book for their second car but I had no plan yet because I still have three years to go to settle my car loan. Nice MPV but I think it will be under power due to the engine and size ratio. Anyway worth buying due to the price range MPV segment in the market. Hopefully the price will go down after three year.
I went to ASO office to settle my sale stock and surprised to meet William at the office. Normally it is very rare for us to spend our weekend at the office. After settle everything I sat in the office with William and we talked about car while waiting for chot to send his photo to William. William is going to buy a new car because his car tool of trade will be expired next month. He plan to buy a Toyota Vios sedan car.Anyway I had to excuse myself because I had to fetch my mother in law at her sister's house in Bgn Jermal and sent her to Pongsu Seribu.
This morning I joined my Surau Jemaah for Morning Walk. We just walked around my housing estate to promote healthy way of life that organised by Surau Committees. This program will be held every two week. So I took this as a opportunity to exercise to reduce my cholesterol level in my blood. Hopefully........
Thursday, April 16, 2009

No matter how we look at it and no matter how the goverment is going to weather it, let us face the fact the world economy downturn will affect us all. It is hard to imagine people going throuh hard times and checking on their spending and striving on their saving. Yet, the scenario is already taking place. With hundred of thousands of local having lost their job and having their salaries slashed, many are putting on brave front and making do with what they can. Many have resorted to taking up two jobs or more to be able to put food on the table.
Like it or not, we must be preperad to sheild ourselves and our families from the hardship. The best way is to be thrifty and be careful with our spending. Take what is necessary and leave the temptation. When we spend, always keep in mind, there are many of our brother and sisters out there eking out a meager living.
Monday, April 13, 2009

I went to see doctor this morning because I was not feeling well since yesterday. The Doctor advised me to take full blood test to check my cholesterol level in my blood due to my complaint feel numb on my leg and arm each time I sit longer. The result will be ready by Friday. The Doctor gave me one day medical leave for me to rest at home. Even though on mc, my cellphone kept on ringing and still I had to answer all the phone call. I never off my cellphone and it meant I always available in 24 hour a day.
when you reach 40ties, there are a lot things will come into your life specially illness. My first sign of reaching 40ties was having a problem with my eye sight. I still could remember , when I was in Teluk Intan. I went to see doctor because I had a bad headache. The doctor asked my " How old are you". I said "40". He didn't give me any medicine but just advised me to see Optometrist to check my eye. So I asked him back " what does optometrist have to do with my headache? " He told me " your headache problem because of your eye and it's time for you to ware spectacle."
Anyway thanked to god that I still in healthy condition and no serious illness even though I have to take a certain medicine. For the time being I am taking Glucosamine sulphate for my knee, Calcium for my bone and Vitamin B complex for my body. The only thing that I lack in my life is exercise but I have to be more careful because I have a history of diabetics and heart problem in my late mother side. So prevention is better than cure or as quote saying " Life begin at 40ties"
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Grocer on the wheel are part and parcel of our modern society. They provide a valuable service to resident in housing estates by bringing groceries right to the resident's doorsteps. The grocer on wheel mostly operates by one man show and come to the housing estate in the morning everday, rain or shine, workday or holiday.
They stocks an incredible amount and variety of basic groceries in their van. Most essential item can be bought from the van- salt, sugar, vegies, fish, chicken and other items that an ordinary housewife needs. Mostly cost slighty more than what we can get at the market but this is understandable as they have van to maintain. Despite higher prices and limited goods, buying groceries from them saves the trouble of having to go all the way to town just to buy the same things. For few items, it is actually more economical to buy from them. It is only when we need to buy larger amount that we go to town specially at Hypermarkets that grow like a mushroom.
They stocks an incredible amount and variety of basic groceries in their van. Most essential item can be bought from the van- salt, sugar, vegies, fish, chicken and other items that an ordinary housewife needs. Mostly cost slighty more than what we can get at the market but this is understandable as they have van to maintain. Despite higher prices and limited goods, buying groceries from them saves the trouble of having to go all the way to town just to buy the same things. For few items, it is actually more economical to buy from them. It is only when we need to buy larger amount that we go to town specially at Hypermarkets that grow like a mushroom.
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some people say " Like father Like son" but to me both of us have different interest. My son a keen to sport and me more to documentary channel. Both of us have our own time to watch our favourite channel . Tonite there will be a live telecast for football so I told him that let me watch my Discovery channel till 11 pm and then his turn to watch his ESPN channel. So both of us are agreed but with one condition only on Friday and Saturday I will allow him to stay late till midnight to watch his ESPN channel. While waiting for his turn to watch his channel , he will stay inside his room listening to his radio or playing guitar. His favourite England Football club is Manchester United. As usual while waiting him watching his favourite channel I updates my blog.
Friday, April 10, 2009

Prime Minister
Najib Abdul Razak (Umno)
Deputy Prime Minister
Muhyiddin Yassin (Umno)
Ministers in the Prime Minister's Department
Koh Tsu Koon - Unity Affairs & Performance Management (Gerakan)Nazri Abdul Aziz - Minister in charge of Law and Parliament (Umno) Nor Mohamed Yaakop - Economic Planning Unit (Umno) Major Gen Jamil Khir Baharom - Islamic Affairs (Umno)DeputiesLiew Vui Keong (LDP)Mashitah Ibrahim (senator, Umno)SK Devamany (MIC)Ahmad Maslan (Umno)T Murugiah (senator, PPP)
Finance Ministry
Najib Abdul Razak (1) (Umno)Ahmad Husni Hanadzlan (2) (Umno)DeputiesChor Chee Heong (MCA)Awang Adek Hussien (senator, Umno)
Education Ministry
Muhyiddin Yassin (Umno)DeputiesWee Ka Siong (MCA)Puad Zarkashi (Umno)
MinistryOng Tee Keat (MCA)DeputiesAbdul Rahim Bakri (Umno)Robert Lau Hoi Chew (Supp-Sarawak)
Agricultural Development and Commodities
Bernard Dompok (Upko-Sabah)
DeputyHamzah Zainuddin (Umno)Home AffairsHishammuddin Hussien (Umno)DeputiesAbu Seman Yusop (Umno)Jelaing Mersat (SPDP-Sarawak)
Information, Communication, Arts and Culture
Rais Yatim (Umno) DeputiesJoseph Salang Gandum (PRS-Sarawak)Heng Seai Kie (senator, MCA)
Energy, Green Technology and Water
Peter Chin Fah Kui (Supp-Sarawak)
DeputyNoriah Kasnon (Umno)
Rural Development and Territories
Shafie Apdal (Umno)DeputiesHassan Malek (Umno)Joseph Entulu Belaun (PRS-Sarawak)
Higher Education
Khaled Nordin (Umno) DeputiesHou Kok Chung (MCA)Saifuddin Abdullah (Umno)
International Trade and Industry
Mustapa Mohamad (Umno)
DeputiesMukhriz Mahathir (Umno)Jacob Dungau Sagan (SPDP-Sarawak)
Science, Technology and Innovation
Dr Maximus Ongkili (PBS-Sabah)DeputyFadillah Yusof (PPB-Sarawak)
Natural Resources and Environment
Douglas Uggah Embas (PPB-Sarawak)
DeputyJoseph Kurup (PBRS-Sabah)
Ng Yen Yen (MCA)DeputySulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib (PBB-Sarawak)
Noh Omar (Umno)DeputiesJohari Baharom (Umno)Rohani Abdul Karim (PBB-Sarawak)
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (Umno)DeputyAbdul Latif Ahmad (Umno)
Shaziman Abu Mansor (Umno)DeputyYong Khoon Seng (Supp-Sarawak)
Liow Tiong Lai (MCA)DeputyRosnah Rashid Shilin (Umno)
Youth and Sports
Ahmad Shabery Cheek (Umno)DeputiesRazali Ibrahim (Umno)Wee Jeck Seng (MCA)
Human Resource
Dr S Subramaniam (MIC)DeputyMaznah Mazlan (Umno)
Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
Ismail Sabri Yaakob (Umno)
DeputyTan Lian Hoe (Gerakan)
Housing and Local Government
Kong Cho Ha (MCA)DeputyLajim Ukin (Umno)
Women, Family and Society Development
Sharizat Abdul Jalil (senator, Umno)DeputyChew Mei Fun (senator, MCA)
Anifah Aman (Umno)DeputiesA Kohilan Pillay (senator, Gerakan), Lee Chee Leong (senator, MCA)
Federal Territories
Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin (Umno)DeputyM Saravanan (MIC)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dato'Seri Mohd Jamaluddin Nizar (PAS) 21,860
Ismail Saffian (BN-Umno) 19,071
Kamarul Ramizu Idris (Ind) 62
Majority - 2,789 (In 2008, the majority was 1,566)
Majority - 2,789 (In 2008, the majority was 1,566)

Manikumar (PKR) 12,632
Dato S Ganesan (MIC) 10,232
Majority 2,403

Malcolm Mussem Lamoh (3,907 votes) has beaten PKR's Jawah Gerang (2,053).
The majority is 1,854.
Official result and photo taken from Malaysiakini.com
Monday, April 6, 2009
Something funny happen to me this morning. I went to Seberang Jaya hospital with my daughter for her an appointment with Orthopedic doctor. I walked to the registration desk to get number to see the doctor suddenly the registration officer asked me " Sir, Who's Fatimah Azzaharah, it's your wife? " and I answered " no. My daughter". He asked me again " how old is she?" "eight" I said. "OK and can you bring me a letter from her school or you can use your pension card for the next appointment" The Front desk officer said. I just looked at him without saying anything. Then I went to the restroom looking at the mirror and talked to myself " Do I look so old because of the white hair and the officer who talked to me could be 6 to 7 year older than me"." Let it be "I said it in my heart.
After waiting for a few minute my daughter's name was called and the nurse took us to the doctor's room. Doctor examined my daughter's arm and check her Xray report. Everything was ok and she can go to school tomorrow but I requested for another one week medical leave so that she really fit to go to school by cycling. On my way back home I talked to myself again " Just because there are a lot of white hairs grow on my head and beard so he thinks that I am a pensioner or may be I am an old man wearing a white Collar T-shirt with a loose Levi's Jean." Funny...............
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Do I need a laptop? Laptops are a great option for people who need to compute on the move. In the past, laptops were bulky, heavy and slow. But today, laptop technology has advanced and today's models are fast, light and offer nearly the same performance as desktop counterparts. If I am in the market for a laptop computer, then it makes good sense to learn a few basic facts about important laptop features, as well whether brand makes a difference in the performance and quality of the laptop or not, before I spend any time or money shopping for one.
This question has been in my mind almost everyday and I still can't decide whether to buy it or not. Last week I went to PC Deport, a shop that specialised in computer. There were lot of laptops with well know brands such as Dell, Acer, Toshiba, Hp etc. etc.
The salesman had introduced me a latest model of laptop with Core duo processor from Intel. Even though I was not expert in the computer but what ever I wanted to know about the latest processor chip from Intel I would refer it to one of my surau jemaah because he worked in Intel. So he would explained to me the latest technology of the chip. He also advised me to be patient because Intel was developing a latest low power chip and it's mean that the computer price would be more cheaper and affordable.
I already have a desktop computer at home but I have to share it with my kids. So I can only do my work or to update my blog at night after they have gone to sleep. Which model I should buy and what types of Window that I should fix it inside my laptop? I am looking for something that can make my work easier and can be carried anywhere to surf Internet plus within my budget.
Friday, April 3, 2009

7 Rabiul Akhir 1430 Hijrah dengan diperkenankan oleh Yang Di Pertuan Agong maka secara rasminya Dato' Seri Najib Abd. Razak telah dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri Yang Ke-6 Malaysia. Secara tidak lansung maka sempurnalah teori Rahman yang begitu hebat diperkatakan. Apakah teori tersebut akan berakhir disitu atau akan terujudnya teori baru? Saya cuba membuat andaian kalaulah akan ada teori baru maka yang terhampir yang boleh diterima pakai ialah Teori Mahathir. Mari kita semak semula teori yang telah di sempurnakan
R - Tuanku Abd. Rahman
A - Abd. Razak
H - Hussein Onn
M- Mahathir Mohamad
A - Abdullah Badawi
N - Najib
Apakah Anwar Ibrahim masih mempunyai harapan untuk menyempurnakan teori tersebut walaupun seluruh abjad tersebut dimilikinya. Hanya Allah jua yang Maha Mengetahui. Mari kita semak pula abjad yang ada pada Teori Mahathir. Siapakah bakal mengantikan Dato' Seri Najib dan adakah Anwar Ibrahim masih mengharap.
M - Mahyuddin Yassin atau Mukriz Mahathir
A - ?
H - ?
A - ?
T - ?
H - ?
I - ?
R - ?
Apakah Anwar Ibrahim menpunyai harapan untuk mengharap dan siapakah yang bakal mengantikan Dato' Seri Najib untuk Perdana Menteri yang ke- 7 ?
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Actually I just heard the rumour that Din married again from his colleague but I wanted confirmation from himself. I asked Yusuf last week whether did he met Din or not. He told me that he's on leave for one week and will come back on next week. Last Monday I saw him, immediately I pulled his hand to one corner and asked him to talk to me honestly " Din did you marry again" he told me " Yes" and just came back from Hong Kong attended Amway Convention with his new businesswoman wife. I couldn't believe that he had completed his marry quota. Subhanallah.
I just can't imagine how he's going to spend his time with all his wives. One in kedah, One in Kelantan, one in Penang and the latest in Perak. Of course the first, second and third they knew each other but how about the fourth. Un believable but he can do it because he can afford to marry four women physically and financially. Anyway he's talented person and the way he talk will really make women fall in love with him. In other word make their heart melt like a ice in the hot sun. That's what we call destiny to marry four and not everybody will be granted to that destiny by Allah SWT.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I really can't understand how the April Fool begin. When we were students, we were got used of using it to make jokes among our friends. Sometime it was so embarrassing. In some extend we were took it seriously because we thought it was real. I still could remember how we were fooled by our own classmate, he rushed to us and told us that one of our friend met an accident and he was hospitalise. Once we got the news, everybody rushed to the hospital to visit but nobody was there. Actually it was a joke, a bad joke that make us angry. At the end we all realised it was a April Fool joke. So everybody laugh.
Now a days I never heard people were making joke on April Fool, might be we were more matured and according to the Fire Department spokesman they received a lots of false call on the 1st of April. It was a serious matter we should not make fun on it. It's an offence. As a duty they had to attend all calls unfortunately it was just a joke. We were wasting their times and energies. What happen if they received a real call and they thought it was just another joke. Same goes to Police and Hospital Emergency Department. It mean that we are putting other people life in the risks. Anyway it's not a Malay culture........
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