Monday, January 31, 2011


Friday, January 28, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011



Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Lately I always work until late due to my work load. I ask myself, is it worth it to work till night and sacrifice my precious time away from my kids?  The amounts of money that I'm received from my salary  is it worth it compared to the time that I spent on my work? I do agree some people say plan your work but to me how I'm going to plan my work because my work is something unpredictable. Yes, sometime I do plan my work but it's always out of my plan due to unnecessary workload that come from other things that I do not expect at all. Some of my  friend say that I need to have  Plan A and Plan B. In case of Plan A is failed and I still have Plan B to support me. What happen if both plans are failed. Do I have to shift to Plan C? I don't mind to work extra as long as my work is completed and I don't have to answer to my boss. The most famous word that company always use, Don't ask what the company can give to me but ask your self what can I give to the company. Can we use that word? In the modern world, the amounts of money that company invest on me is considered as an investment and they expect something in return. So there is no such thing of "we really care about you" . The correct word is "We only care our money". Bullshit............

Sunday, January 2, 2011


An unique culture in Kelantan. Yesterday  I went to Kota Bahru for a quick visit with my friend. So we went for a quick lunch at one of Indian restaurant that situated in the middle of Kota Bahru town. Even though this restaurant was belong to Indian family with Hindu believe but most of the customers were Malay Muslim , cooked by Muslim and served by Muslim ladies. A humble restaurant with a simple decoration but full of Football celebrities poster. I think the owner must be a fan of football clubs. Kelantan is the only place where Chinese and Indian are adapted to a local culture. This is the only place you can see a Muslim eat at a restaurant that totally belong to other races without any doubt of the food status. I mean halal status . Kota Bahru was been declared as An Islamic City so most of the foods that are served here are totally with halal status.  It hard to differentiate between them. You can see the unique of business culture side by side. One example that really a unique to me, after took a lunch I proceed to an evening wet market with a name of Pasar Cina [ Chinese wet market]  but most of the business were run by Muslim ladies and most of the customers were Chinese. This was a very rare scenario to me and you will never see it in the other part of west Malaysia.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Just came back from a motivation talk that given by a speaker from Petronas University lecturer. The main topic that been discussed was more to build up a good family. The family that will bring you to a better life in this world and hereafter. The main purpose of the forum is to create more understanding toward life and to create a better way to build up relationship among the family members. Love your family and spend more time with them. Lead them to right path by showing them from those people who had a success in their life like a sahabah in the time of Rasullullah Saw. As a leader in the house we our self have to show our kids a good character to be followed and to those who have a grown up kids more time should be given with them to ensure that they are following the right path that is shown by Allah Swt thru His Nabieen. The most important part is to strengthen the Iman. Only with a strong Iman they can reject whatever things that against our religious and culture.  The speaker told the audiences to open the eye, heart and mind to accept any new changes in life because we won't  know the potential that hide inside us. willing to learn even from those who are younger than us. I take this opportunity to wish all my readers Happy New Year and looking toward for a better life in a year of 2011.............