Thursday, January 6, 2011


Lately I always work until late due to my work load. I ask myself, is it worth it to work till night and sacrifice my precious time away from my kids?  The amounts of money that I'm received from my salary  is it worth it compared to the time that I spent on my work? I do agree some people say plan your work but to me how I'm going to plan my work because my work is something unpredictable. Yes, sometime I do plan my work but it's always out of my plan due to unnecessary workload that come from other things that I do not expect at all. Some of my  friend say that I need to have  Plan A and Plan B. In case of Plan A is failed and I still have Plan B to support me. What happen if both plans are failed. Do I have to shift to Plan C? I don't mind to work extra as long as my work is completed and I don't have to answer to my boss. The most famous word that company always use, Don't ask what the company can give to me but ask your self what can I give to the company. Can we use that word? In the modern world, the amounts of money that company invest on me is considered as an investment and they expect something in return. So there is no such thing of "we really care about you" . The correct word is "We only care our money". Bullshit............

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