Monday, March 30, 2009


Yesterday Shukor called and asked me why I didn't turn up for the birthday party. Just said sorry couldn't make it because I had to complete my office work. I need to organise all my photo that I had taken and turn it into power point for my boss to present on his coming ABM meeting. Then Madia sent me sms and told that Razak Budin asked her" why I didn't come ?". She couldn't answer the question. Anyway she told me that they really had a fun meeting with old friends but Zul seem not happy because Badrul and me weren't there.

Today I am started to think, why must I turn down the birthday party invitation specially the party was organised by Zul for Madia. To them that was a special event and they really hoped that me and Bad should came to join in. Lately I always ask myself " do I need to change my life style due to my age?". As quote saying " Age is just a number but it's depended on your heart". Did I tried to run from somebody in my life? The answer could be very sensitive to other. Either "yes" or "no" that's not the answer but there is something bothering in my mind. Anyway that is nothing to do with the letter. May be I am going to reach 50 another 3 years kot...............

Sunday, March 29, 2009


"Energy comes from feeling good, not from eating well or sleeping a lot. We all remember how as children, when we were having fun, we often forgot to eat or sleep. I believe that we can keep that attitude as adults, too. It's best not to tire the body with too many rules such as lunchtime and bedtime"
Doctor Shigeaki Hinohara
Age 97 years and 4 month

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Masa berlalu dengan cepat dan kadang-kadang kenangan lama masih menjadi ingatan, walaupun ia berlaku 30 tahun yang lalu. Apabila mengenangkan kisah lama dialam persekolahan diPort Dickson. Umur dalam linkungan 16 tahun dalam senyap-senyap ada orang yang berkenan. Walaupun ia tidak diluahkan tetapi dari riak muka dapat meneka perasan yang terujud. Rupa-rupanya gadis tionghua dalam class yang sama menaruh hati terhadap jejaka yang berkulit hitam manis dan tinggi lampai. Kerap juga kerumah beliau di Pekan Port Dickson dan ayahnya menjalankan perniagaan ABC di Bus stand pekan PD. Setiap kali balik dari sekolah pasti singgah digerai bapanya dan beliau akan menyediakan minuman kegemaran saya air limau nipis bersama nenas tin.

Perhubungan terputus setelah tamat persekolahan menengah dan berhijrah ke Lumut mengikut abang yang bertugas disana dan bersekolah di Anglo Chinese School Manjung. Semasa tinggal diLumut tidak pula bercinta kerana menumpu penuh dengan alam persekolahan. Apatah lagi duduk dalam kem tentera laut yang terpencil dan berasing mengikut status pangkat. Ketika itu Lumut dan Manjung tidaklah semaju sekarang, hanya pekan kecil dan sunyi. Mengasingkan diri jauh dari ibu dan bapa buat seketika. Walaupun ibu berat untuk melepaskannya.

Sebaik sahaja tamat persekolahan dilumut, memasuki ITM untuk short course di HOTCAT tetapi tidak pula jatuh cinta dengan sesiapa pun hanya ada kawan rapat wanita yang sama practical di Penang. Perhubungan sekadar kawan dan habis setelah tamat course disana. Disanalah kenal Asri satu course dan duduk sebilik di ITM tidak sangka pula berjumpa kembali semasa melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat Diploma. Memasuki alam perkerjaan pertama di PD sebagai supervisor disebuah restoran makanan segera American Winppy Fast food.

Semasa bekerja disana pekerjanya berbilang kaum dan dalam senyap-senyap ada seorang insan yang begitu perihatin terhadap diri ini. Begitu rapat, sederhana tinggi, kurus dan berbangsa india. Sering membelikan makanan dan setiap kali membawa makanan dari rumah beliau sentiasa pastikan makan yang dibawa adalah halal untuk dimakan. Beliau mengambil berat tentang diri ini dan sedia mendengar segala keluhan rasa takala menghadapi tekanan kerja. Walau bagaimana pun berpisah setelah beliau berhenti kerja untuk berkhawin dengan jejaka pilihan keluarga. Selepas itu tiada lagi berita tentang beliau.

Selepas satu tahun bekerja disana, dapat pula tawaran untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di ITM Shah Alam dengan cara kebetulan sahaja. Borang diperolehi dari kawan yang tidak berminat untuk melanjutkan pelajaran. Di isi,di hantar dan terus dipanggil untuk temuduga dan diterima masuk. Banyak halangan dan dugaan dihadapi dalam kehidupan di kampus yang bergelar pelajar.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Just came back from Aso dinner at Safira Club. The dinner was organised by Aik Jin and paid by Mr Boon. This special treat actually for hitting January and February target but Aik Jin told us that the dinner was also for thanking in advance to hit the March target. Even though we a far behind from actual daily target but we have a postive thinking that we will make it. The dinner also to say thank to Mr cheah Miss Eileen both of them CHHK staff will be resigned effective 1 April, so I have to cover both of their sale area plus with my task force project. Next month onward I will have a target to work on beside my task force.

During the dinner I received a phone call from Zul to inform the tomorrow birthday party event at his restaurant in Subang Jaya. He persuade my to joint in because Razak Budin will come to the party. En. Razak was my course mate in ITM. After graduated we never met him again. Now he attach with MAS as Air Stewart for International flight. Zul told me that it will be a time for us to meet all our colleague again. It sound great and fun party but I still can't decide to go or not.

Even Bad called my this evening regarding the birthday party. He also can't decide to attend the party because he have alot thing to do and he will let me know. Actually it's going to see a same face and same person who attend the party because we are closed to each other. I will decide it tomorrow because I always no proper planing what ever I do. Anyway thank you zul for the invitation to Puan Madia's birthday party.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009







Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ada masanya fikiran menjadi buntu dan tidak tahu apa yang hendak dituliskan dalam blogs. Adakalanya pula idea datang mencucah-curah bagaikan air hujan yang turun dari langit. Walau pun banyak peristiwa atau kenangan yang bolih dituliskan tetapi kebanyakan kenangan tersebut lebih kepada peristiwa yang cukup menyedihkan. Dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian sudah pasti manusia itu akan berhadapan dengan ujian sedih, suka dan duka. Sebagai manusia kita sentiasa mimpikan kehidupan yang sempurna tetapi kebanyakannya kehidupan yang kita inginkan tidak pernah tercapai sentiasa ada halangan dan rintangan. Disinilah letaknya ujian Illahi.

Apabila kita cuba mengimbas kembali kehidupan ini, sudah pasti ada peristiwa-peristiwa yang begitu mengusik jiwa dan menjadi ingatan sepanjang hayat. Samada peristiwa ini dikongsi ataupun dipendamkan didalam hati. Yang pastinya peristiwa yang berlaku itu menjadi rahsia hidup dan dibawa keakhir hayat. Kebanyakannya lebih kepada cinta yang tidak kesampaian.

Bercakap dalam soal cinta, kaum wanitalah yang selalunya menjadi mangsanya yang lebih dikenali dengan mangsa cinta. Bagi lelaki pula lebih kepada korban cinta. Adakah cinta yang dijalin itu pastinya berakhir dijinjang pelamin? Apabila direnungkan kembali peratusan mereka yang bercinta sejak di bangku sekolah dan berakhir dijinjang pelamin peratusannya amat kecil. Kebanyakannya bercinta dengan orang lain dan berkhawin dengan orang lain adalah satu fenomena yang biasa berlaku. Itulah dikatakan jodoh walaupun pada hakikatnya berikrar sehidup semati semasa dilambung alam percintaan.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


My daughter was discharged last Friday evening after her urine test shown that no bacteria detected in her urine. The doctor asked her to take a rest and two weeks medical leave was given until her next appointment to see orthopedic consultant. School will be opened this Monday so she will miss her friends and schooldays. She need to stay indoor and her mom will be her teacher to assist her in her schoolwork. My wife is very strict when come to education. When ever my kids are not going to school due to health problems, she will make sure that my kids will stay in house. They have to follow a very tight schedule that will be set by my wife.

They have to wake up early, after taking breakfast he or she must be at the study room to do theirs homework. Study time exactly according to their school timetable. No feasibility, there will have their recess time and the study will be adjourned at 12.45 pm. Take lunch, pray and afternoon nap to refresh them.

In the evening they have a choice either go out to play at the playground or stay at home to watch cartoon series in television satellite channel till 7.00 pm. After 7.00 pm everybody must be at home for dinner and evening prayer by 9.00 pm they have to be at bed. They only allow to stay late on Friday and Saturday nite to watch their favourite movies.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


My daughter still hospitalise, she suppose to be discharged today but this morning she had a high fever and doctor advised to stay another one night for observation. The doctor had taken my daughter's blood and urine sample to be tested in the lab to detect any bacteria inside the urine. I will get the result by tomorrow. My wife have to over night at the hospital to look after my daughter and I take care of my baby at home. We take turn to look after my daughter. We are lucky because it's happen in the school break, so my son can also take his turn to look after her sister in the afternoon till evening atleast my wife can take her rest at home. I hope that she will be discharged tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Baru balik dari hospital Seberang Jaya. Anak perempuan dimasukan wad kerana patah tangan pada petang tadi. Sementara menunggu isteri bersiap-siap untuk ke hospital kembali sempat juga postkan blog ini, walaupun rasa letih kerana berulang alik ke hospital. Dua minggu yang lalu abangnya masuk wad kini adiknya pula masuk wad. Tadi sempat juga bertanya doktor keadaan anak perempuan saya, menurut doktor patahnya tidaklah teruk dan tulang sikunya terkeluar sedikit. Walau bagaimana pun kes ini perlu dirujuk kepada pakar orthopedic untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Rujukan pakar hanya akan diketahui pada ke esokan harinya. Sementara itu hanya rawatan biasa sahaja yang diberi

Anak perempuan saya tidak pula menangis kerana isteri telahpun memberi rawatan awal dengan menyapu krim panas pada tangan untuk mengurangkan rasa sakit. Beliau telah mengambil tindakan yang betul dan ini menyebabkan tiada kesan bengkak pada tangan anak perempuan saya. Begitulah sifat naluri seorang ibu. Semalam adalah harijadi anak perempuan saya dan sempat juga saya menghadiahkannya Doll House. Selamat hari jadi sayang. Kini beliau bermalam dihospital pula begitulah kalau sudah ditakdirkan.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Last Saturday we had a small meeting with my wife and the kids. The main agenda, how we were going to spend our school break together. My daughter gave a suggestion to Cameron Highland and her brother to Genting Highland. The meeting chairman was my wife and she had a veto power to decide. I am just a observer and implementing what ever decision made. Anyway my wife used her veto power not to go for holiday this school break because she told them that we just came back from Port Dickson last two week. It was considered holiday because we stayed at TNB holiday banglow facing the sea. My kids were grumbling and not happy but nobody dared to again the decision.
Actually my wife had a good reason, she wanted my kids to concentrate on their homework and schoolwork revision. She was not feeling well last month, so she decided to cacth up with my kids studies. The school break just for one week and it were better for them to stay at home. Anyway I just accepted the reason given. The next day I took them for a lunch treat at Famous Chicken rice at Sungai Kob Karangan Kulim. The restaurant name " Nasi Ayam Periuk besar".

The restaurant specialise in Grilled Chicken with hot spices and Grilled Chicken with honey. They started with a small humble warung and now they had nine outlets under their franchise.
After lunch I took them window shopping at Jusco and end up with evening tea at the Pekan darat warung. To occupied the school break my son decided to have his own blog under " Macam-macam cerita " atleast he have an activity to do. I gave them a freedom to write as long as they know what are the limits.

Monday, March 16, 2009


It's school holiday again .At least I don't have to rush to send my son to school after fajar prayer. As a routine I will check my email and read any good new from electronic media. Most of them are writing about politics. Can we put aside and forget about politic for a while? Let us talk about the agony and predicament to those who lost their job due to global economy. Most of them are struggling to meet end month. Housing and car loan need to be paid, mouth that need to be fed and ailing parents that need to be attended. Can politic save them from the pain that they are facing now? Let us ask our politician, are they feel the pain and losing the job?
The answer is no because they are paid to talk. They are rich people who drive big merc, their children are not study here like we do and they still have time to go for holiday oversea. They only worry if they can't win the election or losing power. By elections are coming soon so as usual they will hang around with their big cars and start making promise to show that they are the heroes of rakyat. Actually they are doing nothing accept empty promise.
let us wait and see, what are they going to say?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Pagi tadi ada temujanji dengan doktor orthopedic lagi. Semuanya o.k. dan ada perubahan setelah mengambil ubat yang diberi doktor untuk dua bulan. Lutut yang dahulunya setiap kali salah langkah akan terasa sakitnya dan pernah seketika dulu terpaksa merangkak. Menurut doktor masih ada bengkak dibahagian lutut tetapi tidak perlu bimbang kerana ia beransur pulih. Temujanji berjalan dengan lancar hanya mengambil masa lebih kurang 20 minit. Doktor menasihatkan agar saya mengambil ubat untuk satu bulan lagi bagi menghilangkan kesan bengkak pada lutut. Consultation hanya sekejap sahaja tetapi masa yang agak lama untuk membuat bayaran dan mengambil ubat. Walaupun tiada apa-apa bayaran yang harus dibuat kerana ditanggung oleh syarikat dan sepanjang temujanji tersebut saya dapat rasakan bahawa bayaran bagi rawatan saya mencecah ribuan yang mungkin tidak termampu untuk dibayar dengan duit sendiri.

Senario yang serupa juga berlaku dengan jiran saya yang isterinya mengadu sakit tulang belakang yang teramat sangat. Setelah mendapat rawatan doktor pakar, isteri beliau didapati mengalami masaalah tulang belakang yang menghimpit saraf dan memerlukan pembedahan dengan anggaran kos sebanyak sepuluh ribu ringgit. Beliau terpaksa menangguhkan pembedahan kerana tidak mampu untuk membayar kos tersebut. Beliau tidak mempunyai opsyen lain melainkan merujuk kepada hospital kerajaan yang akan mengambil masa yang agak panjang kerana masaalah birokrasi.

Sakit yang saya tanggung tidaklah seteruk dengan sakit yang ditanggung oleh isteri jiran saya. Saya masih mampu untuk menjalankan aktiviti seperti biasa. Doktor menasihati agar kurangkan naik tangga. Saya harus membuat renovation rumah untuk tambah bilik ditingkat bawah dengan kos yang sama untuk pembedahan tulang belakang jiran saya. Akhirnya tiada perbezaan antara saya dan jiran saya yang terpaksa menanguh pembedahan dan renovation dalam keadaan ekonomi yang tidak begitu baik.

Friday, March 13, 2009


"The Prophet had a most handsome constitution. Some likened the beauty of his smile to that of the full moon . . . His nose was thin . . . His face was smooth . . . His beard was thick . . . His neck was most beautiful . . . If the rays of the Sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold . . .

The expanse between his shoulders was wide."The Majesty of Our ProphetNarrated by Hasan:"Our Messenger of God was, by nature, imposing and magnificent."

The Radiant Face of Our ProphetAnas bin Malik (ra) says:"The Prophet (saas) was neither tall nor short. He was handsome. His hair was neither delicate nor curly. On the other hand, the color the face of Mubarak was of a splendorous white."

The Powerful Body of Our ProphetHis neck was most beautiful, neither long, nor short. If the rays of the Sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. His chest was broad. It was even like a mirror and white like the moonlight... His shoulders were wide. His palms were softer than wool."

The Stature of Our ProphetBaraa bin Aazib (ra) relates:"I never saw someone more handsome than the Messenger of God. His hair reached his shoulders. The portion between his two shoulders was wide. He was neither very tall nor very short."

The Beautiful Eyes of Our ProphetAbu Huraira (ra) describes him:"His forehead was wide, and the place between his eyebrows was bright like pure silver, and his eyes were very beautiful and his eyes\' pupils were black. The hairs of his eyelashes were profuse . . . "

The Complexion of Our ProphetAbu Huraira (ra) reports:"He was reddish-white . . ."

The Hair of Our ProphetAisha (ra) reports "The blessed hair of The Messenger of God was longer than those that reached the earlobes, and shorter than those that reached the shoulders."

The Beard of Our ProphetHe had a thick, dense beard The Beautiful Mouth of Our Prophet His teeth were as white as pearls and bright, and the light gleamed from his front teeth as he spoke. When he laughed, it was as if his mouth gave off rays like soft lightning . . ."

The Manner of Dress of Our ProphetJundub ibn Makith (ra) said:"Whenever a delegation came to meet the Messenger of God, he would wear his best clothes and order his leading companions to do likewise.

The Manner of Sitting of Our ProphetQaylah bint Makhramah reports:"I saw the Messenger of God in the mosque (in a very humble posture) sitting. Due to his awe-inspiring personality, I began shiveringThe Manner of Speaking of Our ProphetThe Prophet ) was the greatest of the Arabs in oratory and beauty of speech. He said: 'I am the greatest orator among the Arabs.

The Smiling Face of Our ProphetAs recalled by Ali:"The Messenger of God )... was the one who smiled the most and the most joyful of all."

The Glances of Our ProphetHasan, the grandson of our Prophet described the way he looked at things as follows:"The way he looked was extremely expressive .The Pleasant Scent of Our Prophet

Jaabir bin Samura (ra) states:"Whenever the Holy Prophet tread on any path, when someone passed by later, they could recognize that the prophet had passed by there because they could smell the fragrance of his body."

The Affection for Others of Our ProphetAnas bin Malik (ra) relates: "I remained in the service of the Messenger of God ) for ten years. He never once told me 'Ugh.' When I did something, he never asked me, 'Why did you do so?' When I failed to do a certain task, he never asked me why I did not do it."

The Superior Moral Values of Our Prophet"God's Messenger, When he shook hands with anyone, he did not withdraw his hands till the other man withdrew his. Similarly, he did not turn away his face from anyone till that man turned his face to the other side. And he was never seen to put forward his knees in front of one with whom he was sitting."

". . . He used to call his companions by their surnames with honor and he used to give one surname who had no surname."

The Modesty of Our Prophet". . . Everyone thought that the Prophet honored him more. Whoever came to him could see his face . . . Yes, the way he sat, listened, his words, graceful jests and attention were always for those with him. Besides, the meetings he held with friends was marked by decency, modesty and security.

Dress His dress generally consisted of a shirt, tamad (trousers), a piece of plain rectangular cloth wrapped around the shoulders and a turban.On rare occasions, he would put on costly robes presented to him by foreign emissaries in the later part of his life (Ahmed, Musnad, Hafiz Bin Qaiyyam). His blanket had several patches (Tirmizi). He had very few spare clothes, but he kept them spotlessy clean (Bukhari).He wanted others also to put on simple but clean clothes. Once he saw a person putting on dirty clothes and remarked,"Why can't this man wash them." (Abu Dawud, Chapter "Dress").

On another occasion he enquired of a person in dirty clothes whether he had any income. Upon getting a reply in the affirmative, he observed,"When Allah has blessed you with His bounty, your appearence should reflect it." (Abu Dawud)

He believed :"Cleanlines s is piety"AppearanceMuhammad (pbuh) was of a height a little above the average. He was of sturdy build with long muscular limbs and tapering fingers. The hair of his head was long and thick with some waves in them. His forehead was large and prominent, his eyelashes were long and thick, his nose was sloping, his mouth was somewhat large and his teeth were well set. His cheeks were spare and he had a pleasant smile. His eyes were large and black with a touch of brown. His beard was thick and at the time of his death, he had seventeen gray hairs in it. He had a thin line of fine hair over his neck and chest. He was fair of complexion and altogether was so handsome that Abu Bakr composed this couplet on him:"as there is no darkness in the moonlit night so is Mustafa, the well- wisher, bright."

His gait was firm and he walked so fast that others found it difficult to keep pace with him. His face was genial but at times, when he was deep in thought, there were long periods of silence, yet he always kept himself busy with something. He did not speak unnecessarily and what he said was always to the point and without any padding. At times he would make his meaning clear by slowly repeating what he had said. His laugh was mostly a smile. He kept his feelings under firm control - when annoyed, he would turn aside or keep silent, when pleased he would lower his eyes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Ada ketikanya kehidupan ini penuh dengan dugaan. Terpancar rasa kerisauan tentang masa depan yang tidak menentu sejak kebelakangan ini. Terdengar keluhan dan kerisauan jiran-jiran yang suami mereka bekerja dikilang-kilang yang mengalami masaalah pendapatan yang tidak menentu. Kos sara hidup yang meningkat dan hasil pendapatan semakin kurang. Apakah kita yang masih mempunyai pekerjaan yang agak stabil merasakan kerisauan ini?

Hari ini bekerja di sebuah kilang internasional milik German yang besar Infenion Technologies. Kilang Hitech dalam menghasilkan chip untuk kegunaan kenderaan dan industri. Kawalan securitynya sungguh ketat. Pelawat tidak dibenarkan bergerak sesuka hati didalam kawasan kilang melainkan dengan iringan pekerja HR. Setiap pergerakan diperhatikan dengan cctv dan hanya ada beberapa tempat atau kawasan sahaja yang boleh dilalui oleh staff tertentu.

Walaupun terbayang atau terpancar keriangan tetapi disebalik keriangan tersebut tersembunyi kerisauan tentang masa depan dan pendapatan. Sempat juga menanyakan soalan, apakah kilang ini tidak terkena masaalah global economy? Pekerja HR hanya boleh mengangguk sahaja. Bertanya dengan pekerja bahagian production apakah kilang ini juga terpaksa mengurangkan waktu bekerja untuk menjimatkan kos pengeluaran? Lebih baik kurang pendapatan dari tiada kerja.

Nampaknya kesan masaalah global economy mula dirasai oleh setiap warga kerja industri terutamanya bahagian elektronik kerana kurang permintaan dari negara-negara maju terutamanya Amerika Syarikat. Disebalik senyuman tersembunyi rasa risau dan kebimbangan tentang masa depan.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Minggu yang cukup meletihkan, bermula dari hari Jumaat setelah selesai kerja terus bergegas pulang untuk bertolak ke Port Dickson untuk menghadiri majlis perkhawinan anak kakak yang kedua. Perjalanan telah dirancang lebih awal supaya sampai awal di PD. Perjalanan kali ini agak lancar dan selamat sampai diPD jam 12 tengahmalam. Biasanya perjalanan mengambil masa 7 ke 8 jam tetapi kali ini dalam masa 5 jam sahaja. Dalam katogeri cepat jugalah kerana bertolak jam 5.30 ptg dan sampai jam 12 tengahmalam. Tak tahu sejak kebelakangan ini mahu cepat sampai sahaja. Berhenti hanya untuk tunaikan sembahyang dan untuk makan beli siap-siap dan makan dalam kereta.

Abang ipar dah tempah banglow TNB duduklah anak beranak dalam banglow yang besar, selesa dan berhawa dingin. Duduk tiga malam bermula dari malam hari jumaat hinggalah hari isnin. Kenduri perkhawinan berjalan dengan lancar dan Madia, ctm, Shukor dan Izam datang untuk makan kenduri. Kali ini aku tak dapat membantu kerana sibuk melayan anak kecil aku, cukuplah anak lelaki aku sahaja yang membantu.

Hari Isnin selepas check out dari banglow terus kerumah kakak untuk bersarapan pagi. Rancangan nak terus balik ke Penang tetapi tukar rancangan balik kampung dulu untuk ziarah kakak dirumah pusaka arwah emak dan kemudian ziarah ayah di rumah mak tiri. Minggu yang cukup mengembirakan apatah lagi kakak yang duduk di Sik Kedah buat keputusan untuk balik kampung dan duduk rumah pusaka arwah emak. Seluruh ahli keluarga gembira bahkan pak teh juga gembira kerana rumah arwah emak yang ditinggalkan sekurang-kurangnya akan bertunggu juga akhirnya.

Yang paling gembira adalah abang wahab yang sangat-sangat mengharapkan supaya rumah pusaka arwah emak kembali bersinar dan berpenghuni. Tiadalah masaalah lagi untuk balik kekampung. Mungkin akan kerap balik kerana dalam adat orang negeri sekiranya emak tiada maka kakak sulunglah penganti emak dan tunggu rumah pusaka. Abah gembira juga sekurang-kurangnya ada anak perempuan dikampung untuk mejenguknya dikala usia yang begitu uzur. Kami berpakat untuk memulihkan rumah pusaka dan kakak tidak perlu risau tentang wang ringgit kerana segala urusan pemulihan dalam tanggungan adik beradik.

Kakak dan abang ipar merancangan untuk membuka Car Wash dan kedai makan dihadapan rumah pusaka untuk menampung kehidupan. Rumah pusaka tidak akan sunyi lagi apatah lagi anak kakak dan anak-anaknya juga buat keputusan untuk tinggal bersama kakak. Aku rasakan rumah pusaka akan terus terpelihara dan akan terdengar suara anak-anak bermain didepan rumah pusaka serta bercahaya dengan kedai makan didepan rumah pusaka.

Walaupun berada dirumah pusaka untuk beberapa jam sahaja tetapi sayu juga untuk meninggalkannya kerana halaman rumah yang telah dibersihkan dan terbayang kembali rumah yang dahulunya sentiasa hijau dengan rumput dan pokok-pokok buah yang bersusun dilaman rumah. Sebelum bertolak singgah untuk ziarah abah dirumah maktiri kemudian terus pulang ke Pulau Pinang.

Kerja sehari kemudian buat persiapan untuk ke Kuala Lumpur pula untuk menghadiri Nestle Sale Convention di Sunway Convention Centre di Subang Jaya dan tinggal di Pyramid Hotel Tower untuk dua malam. Bertolak hari Rabu dengan bas yang ditempah khas dan pulang hari Jumaat pagi. Dua malam berjumpa dengan Zul dan Shukor untuk teh terik section.

Ada tiga hari untuk berehat kerana hari Isnin Public Holiday hari Maulidi rasul tetapi anak lelaki pula tak sihat batuk dan asma bergegas ke klinik untuk mendapatkan rawatan tetapi tidak lega. Hari ahad anak lelaki menggadu susah untuk bernafas kerana sesak dada lantas ke hospital Kepala Batas untuk menerima rawatan. Doktor menasihati agar anak lelaki ku masuk wad walaupun keadaannya agak stabil tetapi menasihati ku agar membolehkan beliau berehat dan mendapat rawatan lanjutan. Alhamdulllilah anak lelaki ku sihat dan dibenarkan keluar pada hari ini. Bagi ku inilah minggu yang cukup memenatkan walaupun seminggu tidak kepejabat.

Esok mula bekerja dan tak tahu apa pula projek yang menanti...................



Sunday, March 8, 2009


When people are born, they all have the ability to express their emotions through gestures and expressions. Everyone contains facial emotions that are known universally. By deciphering these facial expressions, people can react to certain situations; thus, they can show expression to an environment that is both proper and fitting. Understanding one’s emotions is the key to gaining acceptance of that person and becoming a well-rounded social species in the human race.The face is the key to understanding another’s emotions. There are a combination of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in the face that allow it to form vast amounts of expressions. These facial expressions are linked to certain emotions that are known universally like surprise and disgust.

Everyone knows the smile is linked to happiness and the frown is linked to sadness. These facial expressions are in everyone’s genes; thus, by understanding one’s face, a person can read their emotions at the same time.There are also some problems in deciphering these universal emotions. For example, in some cultures, it is respectful to smile whenever there is a person in high position. Maybe the person is actually feeling sad or really depressed; however, the situation forces the person to put on a smile, which is linked to the expression for happiness. If a child is abused, he might not be able to express his feelings at all.

The environment, culture, and parents affect the role in emotional expression. If a doctor tried to help someone from a different country, he might not be able to tell his problem just from his facial expression. The patient might just smile at him the whole time showing that he is in a high position and it is only respectful for him to show it. However, the doctor might be disgusted since he should not be smiling when he’s sick or has a problem. This proves the point that culture does play an important factor to the role of emotional expression. People act certain ways to the environment they were brought up in and the way their parents taught them to what was proper and fitting.

The face is very important to understanding and reading another’s emotions. It is also important to determining how to react in certain situations and to survive in the world. Every culture has a different way to showing emotional expressions so there is always the possibility of reading an emotion the wrong way. Thus, universal emotions should be treated vigilantly since they are not taught the same in different environments, cultures, and parenting but they should also be read and interpreted since they all contain a significant message to whether the person is in need of aid or time to be alone.

By Jim Smith


Marriages are known to be a lifetime commitment towards love & caring among people. However most marriages these days seem to be failing due to the increasing number of problems with the modern world. When these marriages end, the effects can be devastating. Why do people get married? Well it is a known tradition in humanity that a woman and man will come together and live their lives as one. The most important element that seems to have disappeared is love. Not just any love, but true, deep feeling love. To keep a relationship clear, the love itself should be clear, not artificially placed. If there is no well defined understanding of love, then is should obviously not be a marriage. In some traditions, they have what is known as an arranged marriage. This is the process where love is somewhat “forced” to exist between 2 people.

The usual process goes like this: two people meet, find out if they are compatible or not, then engage themselves for marriage. This is a typical procedure but why should they rush into it if they are not aware of the affects that would arise if the marriage were to break apart? Sometimes everything could be on the right track until someone has to cause a slight problem. These problems accumulate and can make a disaster of what was supposed to be a lifetime commitment.

Financial problems can also end a good marriage. This cause leads to fights on spending too much money, making a bad investment, and purchasing useless things. Being stingy can also be another bad reason. No matter what the reason is, the causes of failing marriages & divorces are practically endless, and so are the effects. It’s amazing on how little effort the effects need to destroy what is supposed to be “lifetime happiness”.

There are several other reasons why marriages end; yet the most devastating are the unexpected problems such as health deterioration. Several families have a sick parent that could be dying. In this case the parent that is not ill should be courteous and take care of their partner in love, but modern days give women to be their own spirit that would rather get a new life than stay with a husband that will sooner or later die. People these days are very selfish and they would rather continue their life without depression.

Some people believe that the main reason for marriage is to have children, and if there is no potential of having children, then why should they stay together?Some effects of failing marriages are among the splitting couple, but the worst bit is the children. Children suffer the most especially when they are young because they are being pulled left and right by parents. The love they get is coming from two different directions, and the kids may end up getting into heavy drugs. To some people marriages could be better if they are over

Friday, March 6, 2009


Nestle delegates enter the main ballroom.

Launch Gambit

Culinary Quiz host by Training Manager En. Raslan.

Part of the convention program. Quiz , Are you smarter than Brand CSD?

Infant Nutrition presentation

Caeser, new launch for Infant Nutrition

Maya Karim special invited guest to host Nescafe Presentation

Maya Karim entertain Nestle delegates

Maya Karim sing a Sinaran song

Nestle management teams

Nestle Grand Gala Dinner

Dinner entertain by Faizal Tahir

Faizal Tahir

Yusri and Md. Sani

Tuan Bukhari and Me. More pic visit